[meta_title]-World Bamboo Day: #PlantBambooWithMianzi-Mianzi-bamboo-home-décor-pendant-lamps

World Bamboo Day: #PlantBambooWithMianzi

Nothing delights the heart and refreshes the mind more than viewing an expanse of land covered with greenery, or merely being amidst the fresh and crisp foliage of varying shades. The magic of spring, with its riot of vibrant color and sweet fragrances, incites the sense of sight and smell.

Today is World Bamboo Day!

Mianzi invites you all to Plant a bamboo and share our love for the planet, our care for the future with many others, and inspire them to restore the ecosystem.

To all those who make a purchase of any item on www.mianzi.in whether it is ethically handmade organic furniture, or sustainable lighting, or earth-friendly lifestyle accessories, or bamboo Home Decor and storage, Mianzi is sending surprise gifts and planting bamboo on their name.

"The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility."

― Wendell Berry

It is estimated that there are more than 5 billion acres of deforested and degraded land around the world waiting for human intervention to save it, nourish it, and breathe new life into it. The health of our planet needs us to do something big - as soon as possible.

Bamboo is resilient & adaptable - with immense biodiversity. Bamboo species can restore the land. Their unique characteristics of quick growth, extensive root systems, and pioneer spirit can reduce erosion, stabilize slopes, absorb heavy metals, create shade, harbor wildlife, recycle carbon dioxide, and clean the air. Degraded lands around the globe, with diverse habitats, could be replanted with bamboo.

Planting and managing sustainable bamboo forests allows for multiple social benefits, including rural development, agroforestry products, with the big bonus of climate mitigation.

Facts about Bamboo

- Bamboo is a tall, tree-like grass of the family Poaceae. It comprises more than 115 genera and 1,400 species.

- They are fast-growing perennials, with some species growing as much as 30 cm per day.

- Bamboo can be used in various ways including as food, as a substitute for wood, building, and construction material. It can also be used for handicrafts and paper.

- Bamboo has environmental benefits as it can be planted to reclaim severely degraded sites and wastelands. It also plays a significant role in soil and water conservation. It is also a good soil binder.

- As per experts, bamboo shoots have nutraceutical properties.

- Raw leaves of bamboo are used as fodder for livestock. In fact, the pulped fibers of various bamboo species, especially Dendrocalamus strictus and Bambusa bambos are used to make fine-quality paper.

- Silica, which is fine-grained is produced in the joints of bamboo stems and used as a medicine.

- Bamboo does not require chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers to grow and thrive. Its own fallen leaves also provide the necessary nutrients that get recycled back into the soil.

To the planet, we say #PlantBamboo

It is time to plant bamboo, and not simply use it. #PlantBambooWithMianzi

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